
We all have a responsibility to keep children safe: at home; in our neighbourhoods; in clubs and organisations; at school; in cyber-space.  In school all staff have an obligation to act when they have concerns about neglect, abuse, extremism or exploitation.  Sometimes a child may make a disclosure to a member of staff; at other times the school may be contacted by another parent; a concerned relative; a social care professional; a health care professional; another school; the police. The school has a duty to act upon any disclosure and has a clear policy for dealing with Child Protection.  

There is a Designated Lead for Child Protection: Mr Phillip Maxfield.  St Joseph’s has Deputy Designated Leads: Mrs Susan Chisholm and Mrs Heidi Caller

All staff members undergo training in Child Protection, First Aid, PREVENT and other relevant initiatives.  The children receive age-appropriate guidance about keeping safe in a variety of ways: RE lessons, PSHE lessons, assemblies, Computing lessons, and counselling sessions from a Brentwood Catholic Children's Society Social Worker.

St Joseph’s works very closely with Essex County Council for safeguarding and staff members attend associated training. The school is committed to following the SET Procedures that apply in Southend, Thurrock and Essex - ESCB - Safeguarding Policies & Procedures

StJ Child_protection_and_safeguarding_policy_schools_updated_Sept 2023.docx

Safeguarding Contacts:

Designated Lead for Child Protection: Mr Phillip Maxfield (Interim Headteacher)

Deputy Designated Leads for Child Protection: Mrs Susan Chisholm (SENDCO), Mrs Heidi Caller

Essex Children’s Safeguarding Board:0345 6037627 (if you have concerns about a child or young person). 

The Essex LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) 03330 139 797 or 0845 606 1212 

(if you have concerns about an adult’s behaviour)

Michelle de Kock - Essex (South Quadrant) 

or call the NSPCC: 0808 800 5000

Keeping Children Safe at St Joseph’s

E-Safety resources and advice for parents:

Keeping pupils safe online is very much a partnership between us in school and yourselves at home. Therefore we would like to share information with you so you can use it home. The internet is forever growing and changing, it is paramount that we educate our children to be safe and respectful when online.

If you would like more information about keeping your child safe online, please do not hesitate in contacting school.

Parents and Carers toolkit

Young Minds - a guide to social media

Educate against Hate

Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre


Is my child ready for social media?

How do you talk to your children about sexual abuse?

Internet safety presentation providers - The 2 Johns