Ethos & Values

School Aims

The school aims to create and sustain an environment in which all people involved - children, staff and parents - may grow in their faith and in their love of God developing respect for themselves and an awareness of the needs and gifts of others.

We wish all children in our care to be happy and independent in a positive and encouraging atmosphere developing their own potential and through the experience provided gaining the necessary knowledge and skills:

The school undertakes to help and support the parents who are the first and most important educators of their children.


There are 7 year groups in the school.  The Reception class is in the Foundation Stage: Years 1 and 2 are known as Key Stage 1: and Years 3-6 are known as Key Stage 2.  Children are allocated to classes strictly according to age, and are generally with one teacher throughout the day.  Year groups work together on occasions. 

Children are expected to work in a variety of modes - class groups, mixed ability groups, single ability groups, individually - whatever organisation is best suited to the particular lesson or task being undertaken.  We expect children to be adaptable and to contribute in an appropriate manner in whatever mode or organisation they are placed or choose to be.

At the end of Year 6, children transfer to secondary schools who operate accordingly to their own admissions criteria.


The Education Authority recognises special areas of need and provides the school with a limited amount of money to buy in service.  The Governors add to this from the school general budget when resources allow.  Much use is made of outside agencies such as the Educational Psychology Service, the Behaviour Support Team and the Catholic Children's Society.


Children who are identified as having special needs are given help and support until such time as they achieve satisfactory standards.  


We remember the Sisters of Mercy who founded our School

St Joseph's Primary school was opened in September 1955, taking the place of the private school established by the Sisters of Mercy at their nearby convent.  

The first two Headteachers at the school were both religious sisters (Sr Agnes Williams 1955-1966; Sr Veronica Kenny 1966-1994). The legacy of the Sisters of Mercy is still felt in the school by the presence of many statues of Our Lady of Mercy both inside the school building but also in the grounds. 

We have much to be grateful for to the Sisters of Mercy.  Catherine McAuley founded the Sisters of Mercy in 1831 in Dublin, Ireland. McAuley sought, through her service to the poor, sick and uneducated, to reveal the mercy of God in our world. With a particular concern for women, she endeavoured to help them recognise their inherent dignity and become self-directing and self-sustaining. Education was at the heart of this effort, as was a desire to meet needs not being addressed by others.